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The MOS 6502 Virtual Machine and Toolchain Infrastructure
The included v6502 executable that is built using the v6502 API provides an interactive debugger to a v6502 instance that allows arbitrary manipulation of the machine and loading of data into memory. The interpreter will accept any valid 6502 assembly as instructions to execute in-place without stepping the CPU. The prompt always displays the current program counter address in hex, when halted. When running the CPU can be interrupted with a SIGINT or ^C. Binary images can be specified as arguments prior to runtime and automatically run on start.
The non-assembly commands are as follows:
cpu Displays the current state of the CPU. disassemble <addr> Disassemble 10 instructions starting at a given address, or the program counter if no address is specified. help Displays this help. load <file> Load binary image into memory at 0x0600. peek <addr> Dumps the memory at and around a given address. quit Exits v6502. run Contunuously steps the cpu until a 'brk' instruction is encountered. reset Resets the CPU. mreset Zeroes all memory. step Forcibly steps the CPU once. verbose Toggle verbose mode; prints each instruction as they are executed when running.
The command interpreter supports shortening of these commands as far as possible without being ambiguous. Ambiguous commands have an arbitrary priority based on usefulness.
Example usage (debugging a binary):
Creating 1 virtual CPU… Allocating 64k of virtual memory… Resetting CPU… Loading binary image "overflow.o" into memory… Loaded 137 bytes. Running… Encountered 'brk' at 0x03. (0x0004) disass $0600 0x0600: d8 - cld 0x0601: a9 01 - lda #$01 0x0603: 8d 00 00 - sta $0000 0x0606: a9 80 - lda #$80 0x0608: 8d 00 00 - sta $0000 0x060b: 8d 00 00 - sta $0000 0x060e: a9 00 - lda #$00 0x0610: 8d 00 00 - sta $0000 0x0613: 8d 00 00 - sta $0000 0x0616: a0 01 - ldy #$01 (0x0004) v Verbose mode enabled. (0x0004) reset (0x0600) r 0x0600: d8 - cld 0x0601: a9 01 - lda #$01 0x0603: 8d 00 00 - sta $0000 0x0606: a9 80 - lda #$80 … 20 lines ommitted … 0x061d: f0 1f - beq $1f 0x063e: 60 - rts 0x0003: 00 - brk Encountered 'brk' at 0x03. (0x0004) cpu Status Register: --XB-IZ- CPU 0x100103a90: pc = 0x0004, ac = 0x00, x = 0x01, y = 0x01, sr = 0x36, sp = 0x01 MEM 0x100103ab0: memsize = 65535 (0xffff) (0x0004)
The simplest fault tolerant implementation of a v6502 instance, using the v6502 API, is as follows:
It is worth noting that this code will run the cpu at the fastest possible speed, with no regulation of timing. This is important for applications that expect a working CPU clock.