The MOS 6502 Virtual Machine and Toolchain Infrastructure
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 Cas6502_symbolAn individual symbol in a symbol table
 Cas6502_symbol_tableThe assembler's per-object symbol table structure, which holds all symbols
 Cas6502_tokenAn individual token which will often be a part of a linked list of tokens
 Cines_propertiesAll of the properties that get compiled into the four flag bytes in an iNES header
 Cld6502_objectThe assembler's representation of an object file in memory
 Cld6502_object_blobA single blob of typeless object data
 Cv6502_breakpoint_listBreakpoint List Object
 Cv6502_cpuVirtual CPU Object
 Cv6502_mappedRangeMemory Map Range Record
 Cv6502_memoryVirtual Memory Object
 Cv6502_textmode_videoVirtual Text-Mode Hardware Object