The MOS 6502 Virtual Machine and Toolchain Infrastructure
Data Fields
v6502_memory Struct Reference

Virtual Memory Object. More...

#include <mem.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * bytes
 Memory accessible as a byte-array.
size_t size
 Byte-length of memory object.
void(* fault_callback )(void *context, const char *reason)
 Fault Callback Function.
void * fault_context
 Fault Callback Context.
 Array of memory map ranges.
size_t rangeCount
 Number of memory map ranges in array.
int mapCacheEnabled
 Memory Map Cache control
v6502_readFunction ** readCache
 Memory map read cache (See: Memory Map Cache)
v6502_writeFunction ** writeCache
 Memory map write cache (See: Memory Map Cache)
void ** contextCache
 Memory map context cache (See: Memory Map Cache)

Detailed Description

Virtual Memory Object.

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